Determination Of The SPF (Sun Protection Factor) Value For Lotions Containing A Combination Of Moringa Leaf Extract And Bangle Rhizome As Sunscreen
The development of sunscreens with natural ingredients is generally accepted by the public hence, it is necessary to develop sunscreen lotions from natural ingredients such as a combination of Moringa Leaves and Bangle Rhizome. This research aims to determine the "SPF" value of the lotion containing a combination of moringa leaf extract and bangle rhizome. The samples were extracted using the maceration method. Thereafter, a lotion was made with various concentrations of moringa leaf extract and bangle rhizome with a ratio of 0: 10, 10%: 0, 7.5: 2.5, 5%, : 5, 2.5, and 7.5%. Physical quality test was carried out before and after the accelerated test which includes Organoleptic, Homogeneity, pH and Viscosity. Furthermore, the SPF value was obtained using a UV-Visible Spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 290 - 320 nm. The results showed that the sunscreen lotion met the physical quality requirements with a pH value of 5.6 - 6.5, viscosity of 32.100 - 49.050 cp. Therefore, the "SPF" value for sunscreen lotion containing 7.5% Moringa leaf extract and 25% Bangle rhizome had the greatest activity reaching 21.86 (Ultra protection).
Keywords: Extract, Moringa leaf, Bangle rhizome, Lotion Preparation, Sunscreen and SPF Value.
Perkembangan tabir surya dengan bahan alami lebih gampang di terima oleh kalangan masyarakat sehingga perlu dikembangan Lotion tabir Surya dari Bahan Alam seperti kombinasi Daun Kelor dan Rimpang Bangle. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui nilai “SPF” sediaan Lotion yang mengandung ekstrak daun kelor kombinasi ekstrak Rimpang bangle. Sampel daun kelor dan rimpang bangle diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi, kemudian dibuat Lotion dengan variasi pada konsentrasi Ekstrak daun kelor dan Rimpang Bangle dengan perbandingan 0 : 10% , 10% : 0, 7,5% : 2,5%, 5% : 5% dan 2,5% : 7,5%. Pengujian mutu fisik dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah uji dipercepat meliputi Organoleptis, Homogenitas, pH dan Viskositas. Serta Pengujian Nilai SPF menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Visibel dengan panjang gelombang 290 – 320 nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sediaan lotion tabir surya memenuhi syarat mutu fisik dengan nilai pH diperoleh 5,6 – 6,5, Viskositas 32.100 – 49.050 cp serta Nilai “SPF” Sediaan lotion tabir surya yang mengandung ekstrak daun kelor 7,5% dengan Ekstrak rimpang bangle 25 % memilki aktivitas terbesar mencapai 21,86 (proteksi Ultra).
Kata Kunci: Ekstrak, daun Kelor, rimpang bangle, Sediaan Lotion, Tabir surya dan Nilai SPF.
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