Efek Madu Trigona Terhadap Gambaran Histopatologi Ginjal Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Yang Diinduksi Atorvastatin
Trigona honey is produced by the Trigona sp. bee with a high phenolic content which have antioxidant activity. Furthermore the prolonged use and high doses of atorvastatin causes nephrotoxicity side effects. This research aims to determine the effect of trigone honey on the histopathological image of the kidneys of white rat (Rattus norvegicus) induced by atorvastatin at 20 mg/Kg BW for 3 weeks and 40 mg/Kg BW for 2 weeks. Twenty one rats were divided into 7 groups, and each group received different treatment for 5 weeks. The normal control received 0.5% NaCMC, the negative control received atorvastatin, the positive control received CoQ10 at 100 mg/kgBW orally for 2 hours before atorvastatin induction, the honey control received honey at 4.5 mL/kgBW, treatment 1 group was given honey at 1.5 mL/kgBW 2 hours before atorvastatin induction, treatment 2 group was given honey at 3 mL/kgBW 2 hours before atorvastatin induction, and treatment 3 group was given honey at 4.5 mL/kgBW 2 hours before atorvastatin induction. After 5 weeks, surgery was carried out and then observed the histopathological image of the rats' kidneys. The results, based on the evaluation of the tubular and glomerular cell score, showed that the administration of honey trigon at a dose of 4.5 ml/kg light weight protects against kidney damage by the induction of atorvastatin.
Keywords : Statins, Histopathology, Kidney, Trigona Honey
Madu Trigona merupakan madu yang dihasilkan oleh lebah Trigona sp. yang dilaporkan memiliki kandungan fenolik tinggi sehingga memiliki aktivitas antioksidan. Penggunaan atorvastatin dalam jangka waktu yang lama dan dosis tinggi dapat menimbulkan efek samping nefrotoksisitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek madu trigona terhadap gambaran histopatologi ginjal tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinduksi atorvastatin 20 mg/Kg BB selama 3 minggu dan 40 mg/Kg BB selama 2 minggu. Dua puluh satu ekor tikus dibagi menjadi 7 kelompok. Masing-masing kelompok mendapatkan perlakuan berbeda selama 5 minggu. Kontrol normal diberikan NaCMC 0,5%, kontrol negatif diberikan atorvastatin, kontrol positif diberikan CoQ10 100 mg/kgBB secara oral 2 jam sebelum induksi atorvastatin, kontrol madu diberikan madu 4,5 mL/kgBB, kelompok perlakuan 1 diberikan madu 1,5 mL/kgBB 2 jam sebelum induksi atorvastatin, kelompok perlakuan 2 diberikan madu 3 mL/kgBB 2 jam sebelum induksi atorvastatin, dan kelompok perlakuan 3 diberikan madu 4,5 mL/kgBB 2 jam sebelum induksi atorvastatin. Setelah pemberian selama 5 minggu, dilakukan pembedahan kemudian dilakukan pengamatan gambaran histopatologi ginjal tikus. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan penilaian skor sel tubulus dan sel glomerulus menunjukkan bahwa pemberian madu trigona pada dosis 4,5 mL/kgBB memberikan perlindungan terhadap kerusakan ginjal yang disebabkan oleh induksi atorvastatin.
Kata Kunci : Statin, Histopatologi, Ginjal, Madu Trigona
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32382/mf.v16i2.1667
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Hendra Stevani
Jurusan Farmasi Poltekkes kemenkes Makassar
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