Physical Stability And Antioxidants Of Nutmeg Oil Microemulsion With A Variation Of Tween 80-PEG 400
Nutmeg Oil (Myristica fragrans) contains myristicin which is unstable in storage. However, microemulsion increases the stability of the preparation. Meanwhile, the combination of surfactant tween 80 and PEG 400 is known to improve the stability of the microemulsion. Therefore, this research aims to examine the physical stability and antioxidants of nutmeg oil microemulsion with variations of tween 80 and PEG 400 as surfactants and cosurfactants. The nutmeg oil microemulsion was prepared with a oil concentration of 5% with variations of surfactants and cosurfactants Tween 80 and PEG 400, namely F1 (7: 6), F2 (8: 6), F3 (9: 6), F4 (10: 6). ) and F5 (12: 6). Furthermore, the physical stability test was performed using the cycling test method for 6 cycles at temperatures of 40 ± 2 ºC and 4 ± 2 ºC while the parameters observed included organoleptic and homogeneity, phase separation, droplet size, viscosity, and pH. Meanwhile, the major antioxidant parameter observed was the percentage of inhibition. The physical stability and antioxidant results were analyzed using the t-dependent test to compare the data before and after the cycling test. The results showed that all the microemulsion formulas were clear, pale yellow in color, oily and watery in texture and there was no phase separation after the cycle test was carried out. In addition, the droplet sizes of all formulas were between 33 to 125 nm, while the viscosity ranged from 68 to 73 cps and the pH is suitable for topical preparations. All physical parameters did not change significantly after the cycling test (p> 0.05), meanwhile, the antioxidant stability test showed that there was no significant difference in percent inhibition (p> 0.05) which ranged from 64 to 68%. Therefore, based on the results, the nutmeg oil microemulsion has strong antioxidant activity.
Keywords : Nutmeg oil, microemulsion, physical stability, antioxidants
Minyak biji pala (Myristica fragrans) mengandung miristisin yang tidak stabil dalam peyimpanan. Mikroemulsi dapat meningkatkan stabilitas sediaan. Kombinasi surfaktan tween 80 dan PEG 400 dapat meningkatkan stabilitas mikroemulsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan formulasi dan uji stabilitas fisik serta antioksidan mikroemulsi minyak biji pala dengan variasi tween 80 dan PEG 400 sebagai surfaktan dan kosurfaktan. Mikroemulsi minyak biji pala dibuat dengan konsentrasi minyak biji pala sebesar 5% dengan variasi surfaktan dan kosurfaktan tween 80 dan PEG 400 yaitu F1 (7:6), F2 (8:6), F3 (9:6), F4 (10:6) dan F5 (12:6). Uji stabilitas dilakukan dengan metode cycling test selama 6 siklus pada suhu 40 ± 2 ºC dan 4 ± 2 ºC. Parameter stabilitas fisik yang diamati meliputi organoleptis dan homogenitas, pemisahan fase, ukuran droplet, viskositas dan pH. Parameter antioksidan yang diamati berupa persentase inhibisi. Data hasil uji stabilitas fisik dan antioksidan dianalisis dengan uji t-dependent untuk membandingkan data sebelum dan setelah cycling test. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa seluruh formula mikroemulsi minyak biji pala jernih, berwarna kuning pucat, tekstur berminyak dan encer serta tidak terjadi pemisahan fase setelah cycling test. Ukuran droplet seluruh formula yaitu 33 – 125 nm. Viskositas pada seluruh formula berada pada rentang 68 hingga 73 cps serta pH sediaan sesuai untuk sediaan topical. Seluruh parameter fisika tidak mengalami peruabahan signifikan setelah cycling test (p > 0,05). Hasil uji stabilitas antioksidan menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan persen inhibisi (p > 0,05) dengan rentang persen inhibisi pada seluruh formula adalah 64-68% sehingga mikroemulsi minyak biji pala memiliki aktivitas antioksidan kuat.
Kata kunci : Minyak biji pala, mikroemulsi, stabilitas fisik, antioksidan
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