Rauf Harmiady, Abdul Kadir Ahmad, Karlina Ende Putri, Nasrullah Nasrullah




Wounds treatment that originally used the conventional method (dry), now switched to use the moisture balance (modern) wound treatment method, where this modern wound care uses the moist principle which aims to accelerate the process of fibrinolysis, the formation of new blood vessel capillaries (angiogenesis), reduce infection and accelerate the formation of active cells. The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of the "moist balance" wound care method for wound healing of diabetic ulcer patients. The type of this study is qualitative research with a pre-experimental research design using One-shot case study. The sampling technique was carried out by using Nonprobability sampling with a Purposive sampling technique that was adjusted to the inclusion and exclusion of the criteria of the study. The population of this study amounted to 32 respondents and the sample who selected and fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria amounted to 2 respondents. This study was conducted at the Islam Cahaya Holistic Care Treatment Clinic in Makassar City. The results of this study found that the wound healing process experienced the significant improvements. Where before the treatment was obtained, the wound score of the first respondent is from 57 to 34 and the second respondent is from 55 to 32, after wound care with the moist balance method the results were obtained from 13 items in the BJWAT assessment. The conclusion of this study is that modern wound care with an effective moist balance method is effective against the wound healing of diabetic ulcer.

Keywords: Moisture Balance, wound healing, diabetic ulcer



Perawatan luka yang semula menggunakan metode konvensional (kering), kini beralih menggunakan metode perawatan luka moisture balance (modern), dimana perawatan luka modern ini menggunakan prinsip lembap (moist) yang bertujuan untuk mempercepat proses fibrinolisis, pembentukan kapiler pembuluh darah baru (angiogenesis), menurunkan infeksi dan mempercepat pembentukan sel-sel aktif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran efektifitas metode perawatan luka “moist balance” terhadap penyembuhan luka pasien ulkus diabetikum. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian praeksperimental menggunakan rancangan One-shot case study. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan menggunakan Nonprobability sampling dengan teknik Purposive sampling yang disesuaikan dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi penelitian. Populasi dari penelitian ini berjumlah 32 responden dan sampel yang dipilih serta memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi berjumlah 2 orang responden. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Klinik Isam Cahaya Holistik Care Kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan proses penyembuhan luka mengalami perbaikan yang signifikan. Dimana sebelum dilakukan perawatan didapatkan skor luka pada responden satu 57 menjadi 34 dan responden dua 55 menjadi 32, setelah dilakukan perawatan luka dengan metode moist balance hasil tersebut didapatkan dari 13 item yang ada pada pengkajian BJWAT. Kesimpulan penelitian ini didapatkan perawatan luka modern dengan metode moist balance efektif terhadap proses penyembuhan luka ulkus diabetik.

Kata Kunci: Moisture Balance, penyembuhan luka, ulkus diabetik


Moisture Balance, penyembuhan luka, ulkus diabetik


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32382/jmk.v11i2.1942


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Copyright (c) 2020 Rauf Harmiady, Abdul Kadir Ahmad, Karlina Ende Putri, Nasrullah Nasrullah

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